
Being kind doesn’t have to cost anything and you certainly don’t have to run a marathon, but it is an awesome way to live your life!

When you’re kind to someone, that makes them feel like a ‘somebody’ and it makes you feel amazing too. Everybody wins!

Kindness is a crucial skill both in and out of the classroom environment.

Heard of Random Acts of Kindness? Here’s some Random Facts of Kindness

Being kind makes you happy.

How cool is this? Kindness and happiness are in fact linked: kindness benefits those on both the receiving end and the giving end. Research shows that being kind can actually make you happy. But here’s the secret, in order to feel the benefits, kindness must be practiced consistently.

Kindness helps to create wonderful friendships.

Yup, that’s right! Kindness can also have a positive effect on other aspects of our lives. Research by scientists shows us that performing random acts of kindness can help us to be not only happier but it helps us to make new pals too!

Kindness can make you healthier.

Check this out…There is even evidence that proves there’s health benefits to kindness. Some researchers believe that caring for others can actually lead to us living longer. Overall, being kind is good for our mental health and wellbeing!

So, go out of your way to be extra kind, every day!

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