Tree of Knowledge


Our fresh and unique approach to professional coaching focuses on what has been and is working well. Appreciative Inquiry is designed to capitalise on an individual, group, or organisation’s strengths – generating positive changes in performance, professional development, and organisational leadership. It is a way of bringing about change that shares leadership and learning and fully engaging everyone in the organisation.

During our coaching sessions, problems are acknowledged but are used only as tools for learning. Appreciative Inquiry takes the best and helps make it better by expanding people’s capacity to perform and by channelling their abilities for the greatest impact.

Our sessions are a shared experience between the coach and the client. Together, the coach and the client collaborate to build a design for the future, develop strategies, and construct support actions for success. By intensely listening, asking unconditionally positive questions, and offering sincere encouragement, the coach facilitates the process for the client to unearth their own answers and to take responsibility for acting on them. By increasing the client’s self-awareness, they will understand how to better employ their strengths. Appreciative Inquiry is the truest form of empowerment.

These sessions will push you, stretch you and make you really look at yourself, where you are now, where you want to be going and how you’re going to get there.  You’ll certainly leave feeling excited, invigorated and empowered!

This is for absolutely anybody who wants to make themselves a better version of themselves!

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