
Laughter controls our brains

When you see people laughing, you just can’t help but smile, right? That’s because your brain makes it nearly impossible not it. That’s the result of research from the lab of Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at University College London. When she monitored subjects’ brains while she played laughing sounds, she found that the premotor cortical region of the brain, which prepares the muscles in the face to move, was activated.

So basically, the research is telling us that laughter is contagious!

As we grow older, laughter can be one of the first casualties of our maturity. Perhaps that’s the mistake we make, assuming that ‘maturity’ means we shouldn’t laugh as much. Or certainly shouldn’t laugh at silly things any more.

What an awful idea that is!

This is when we need laughter more than ever. With so many things that can cause stress in our lives, a little break from it all with some big, ugly laughing can be a life saver.

And it turns out we are more likely to laugh at things when we’re with groups of other people.

We don’t need any excuse to catch up with friends/family and have a good belly laugh at life!

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