What our speakers say…

“Albeit full of laughter, this is a really powerful and hard hitting session that seems more relevant than ever before!”


Ever check to see how much time you spend on your phone? Frightening, isn’t it? Imagine how many days you’ve scrolled away. It’s time to rediscover the joy of switching off and being content.

Nobody ever tells you that your brain is a lying wee so and so, full of half-truths, best guesses and blatant fabrication! For this very reason it gets in the way, makes stuff up and causes nothing but incredibly frustrating and stressful moments for us all to enjoy! Of course, modern day devices and social media just add fuel to the fire.

This session is, in its essence, our technology session. We’re not experts in technology, so for that reason we’ll make it short, hard hitting and hilarious. Gavin will explore just what can we do to find the holy grail that is peace of mind both personally and professionally…well…a little bit anyway!

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