Wellbeing Survey

Your school has chosen to participate in the Treehouse Wellbeing Reports. Its purpose is to help the mental wellbeing of pupils and staff in your school community. The information below will help you understand what you will be asked about and how your data will be used.  

What’s involved?

You will first be asked to answer a number of questions about your school name, your sex, your year group/role in school, and then you will be asked to complete either the Stirling Children’s Wellbeing Scale or the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale. There are no right or wrong answers so answer as honestly as you can.

Find out more about SCWS scwbs_children_report.pdf (warwick.ac.uk)

Find out more about WEMWBS Scottish Health Survey 2019 published – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Do I have to take part?

Although we hope you will take part in this survey it is completely your choice whether you take part or not.

Could taking part in this survey upset me?

Thinking about mental wellbeing can be a positive experience but it may also make you feel upset or uncomfortable. If you are affected you can talk to your teacher, parent/guardian or a trusted adult. If you prefer you could call Childline on 0800 1111

Do my parents/guardians know I am taking part in this survey?

Yes, information has already been shared.

What happens with my data?

Your answers are only viewed by your school so that they can help to target support for individuals if required. Your data will be analysed with the rest of the participants from your school. This will allow us to find the average responses from each question and will allow us to build a picture of mental wellbeing in your school. 

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