Tree of Knowledge

Who’s in the Driving Seat?

What our speakers say…

“It is amazing how effectively children in this age group approach the challenges in this workshop. Teachers comment on how impressed they are that children suddenly find their niche in this course. Although based on sound research, there is no sciencey-sounding talk in this course, it is a simple and straightforward way to approach decision making and self-regulation using ideas that 8-9-year-olds can get a hold of. The children create the learning points throughout and the course leaves the teacher with a strategy to reinforce the messages once the day is over.”


This course focuses on developing children’s understanding of how their brain works in terms of self-regulation. Pupils will be introduced to the idea that there are two ways in which any situation can be viewed: either by doing things immediately or by thinking before they act. This will help pupils to understand how to manage their actions and behaviours in order to make better decisions.

Through fun and interactive challenges, pupils will have the opportunity to figure out who is in control. Choosing who is in the driving seat is the first step to building confidence, self-regulation skills and resilience.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To further their knowledge on what self-regulation is and how to self-regulate
  • To be able to define what makes a good team player and a good learner
  • To gain knowledge about the different ways in which a situation can be viewed
  • To further their ability to reflect on their actions and behaviours

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