Follow this module P6 / Y5 lesson through, to see how a Treehouse module works in real life. The key themes covered are Confidence, Wellbeing & Visualisation. It follows a typical structure of Watch, Read, Do, Reflect.
Let’s get started!…
Lesson introduction (teacher to read to introduce the session)
Everything first starts off as an idea before it becomes real. Time to learn a success habit that the best in the world use to keep them on track in overcoming their fears and reaching their goals. You can do the same!
WATCH the following two short videos (share with the class on screen). 3 minutes total
READ (it’s up to you…read individually, read aloud, read to one-another, one person read)
The interesting thing about the mind is that it doesn’t know the difference between what is happening in reality v’s what is happening in your imagination. So, whether you aced an exam or you just imagined acing it, your body will stimulate the same nerves in the brain, causing your body to respond the same!
For example – your heart rate will rise as you imagine the success, which makes your brain believe even more that it’s really happening! And if you can convince your mind that it WILL succeed, it motivates you to work hard at preparing for it!
Afterall – if we convince ourselves that we’re going to lose… then what’s the point in even trying!
But the more we convince our brains that we have already succeeded, the more it BELIEVES that to be true and gets itself ready for the victory! The reason this happens is because when you visualize an action, you stimulate the same region of the brain that is working when you are actually performing the action!
Have you ever been so afraid of something or were so convinced you would fail, that you imagined yourself failing over and over again? Think about it for a minute! It’s something WE ALL DO! We are scared of failing and we focus on that so much that we set ourselves up to fail instead of to succeed! We do this so often it becomes like a film playing over and over in our heads… And most of the time, this leads to us giving up without even trying. Can you think of a time this has been true for you?
DO (have the class undertake the following short activity individually, as a small group or a whole class)
Now let’s choose something that you want to do well in, or something you’d like to overcome. Instead of letting your mind focus on failing or fear, this time you are going to focus on success! Imagine yourself doing what it is you desire and achieving that goal with ease. The key is that you need to think about ALL the details, the more detail you have, the better!
- First grab a sheet of paper and write down what you want to achieve as if it is already done! For example: “I am so excited now that I have……….”
- Now write down all the details, adding in your own as you go!
- Where are you?
- What can you see around you?
- Who is there?
- Can you hear them – what are they saying or can you hear them clapping or cheering?
- How does your body feel as you see yourself doing this thing?
- What is the expression on your face as you complete your mission and achieve success?
- What are you wearing when you see yourself succeeding?
WATCH the following short video (share with the class on screen). 3 minutes total
WATCH the following short video (share with the class on screen). 1.5 minutes total