It is completely natural to look at others and compare ourselves to them at times. That can be a good thing, as role models and positive humans can push and inspire us to become better versions of ourselves. However, it is extremely important to be proud and comfortable with the person you are right now in this moment. We all have different talents and traits. We all have different physical and emotional features too. It is valuable to realize that our individuality brings a different spice to life. If everyone were the same, we’d all have the same interests, same strengths, and same weaknesses. That would be a world with little variety and a very bland flavour. It is our differences that arguably makes the world a better place.
If we focus solely on the things we cannot do and the things we do not have, our self-image and self-acceptance depletes. We become less comfortable with the person we are and more focused on the person we wish we were. Social media has a tricky way of feeding this problem. When our brains only see the highlights of other people’s lives, we begin to think of others having happier or more perfect lives than ourselves. When we really stop and think about that, it’s impossible to have a perfect life. Humans just choose to leave out most of the boring or mundane things going on in their social media posts. Our brain can easily forget that.
A great way to combat this is with a common growth strategy called the “Power of Yet.” If there is something that you currently are not good at or strong with, saying that you cannot do it sets a mental tone that you never will. For example, if you gave a speech in class and did not receive a very good grade, you might say to yourself, “I cannot do public speaking.” The “Power of Yet” simply rephrases that statement to say, “I cannot do public speaking yet.” What that extra little word “yet” does is allow you grace and reminds you that you are still growing. If you really want to become better at something, you can always continue to work at it.
Accepting yourself and being comfortable in your own skin can allow you to be happier, more confident, and more giving to the world. So embrace your quirks, unique interests, and traits that make you who you are! Be proud of your strengths and accept that you are still working on your weaknesses (power of yet). At the end of the day, if you can look in the mirror and be proud of the choices you make daily and the interactions you had with others, you are getting closer to being comfortable in your own skin.