In a world where people can access us through phones, social media channels, or in person, it can be hard to protect our wellbeing and feel like we get enough headspace. Being easily accessible can be a great thing, and social media has helped to keep people connected, but it’s also meant you can sometimes have trouble finding time to switch off.
Say no when you have to. Saying no to someone is hard. Gav reckons he’s getting better at this. He’s not talking about being busy and adding to your to-do list, although that can cause a lot of stress, he’s talking about the stuff that can make us feel uneasy, anxious and unwell.
Parties, awards nights, certain bookings, weddings, specific family engagements. People can be hugely offended when you say no.
Firstly, you need to remember that you have the right to say no. Sometimes we find ourselves saying yes because we’re worried someone will get angry, lose respect for us, or treat us differently if we say no. Saying no once in a while doesn’t make you a bad person, especially if you communicate it nicely. If someone is going to respond badly to you saying no to look after your wellbeing, it can be worth asking yourself what role they play in your life. Sometimes you’ll find people may even respect you more for putting in place some boundaries—it shows others what is and isn’t acceptable to you.
You can offer an explanation if you need to, but when you just know, you know, so trust your gut and say no.