Hey Google, “What’s wrong with me?”
Dr Google is 100% the wrong doctor to visit when you’re feeling anxious or indeed if you have anything at all wrong with you. You can Google ‘Why is my ear sore?’ and Dr Google will reply with “Brain Tumour”. ‘Why am I sneezing a lot?’ “Cancer”.
All symptoms tend to lead to some form of cancer, there appears to be no middle ground with Dr Google.
Google is great for real positive information around your personal wellness, just be sure to check credentials and if you’re really worried about something it’s best to go see a real doctor.
There’s also many great charities out there who are willing to listen. Some are listed below…
CALM – 0800 58 58 58
Samaritans – 116 123
MIND – 0300 123 3393
YoungMinds – 0808 802 5544
NSPCC – 0800 1111 or 0808 800 5000