Think about the last time you were complaining about something. What were your physical body and facial features like? Think about your shoulders and body language. Were you relaxed or more in a stressful position? What about your thoughts? Were they happy or more angry and sad?
Let’s Try This Activity:
1- Challenge Number 1: Turn a video on your face with a computer, phone, or tablet and quickly complain into the screen while recording. You can simply retell the complaint you had thought about in the previous paragraph. Make sure to record a few seconds of that complaint or pay attention to what your face looks like while complaining.
An example could be “Yesterday I fell in the hallway because of the traction on my new shoes. I was so embarrassed and felt like everyone was staring at me and laughing to themselves.”
2- Challenge Number 2: Now think about stating the complaint you had in Challenge Number 1; but now add the phrase “but at least…….” to finish the complaint with a positive spin. For example; “I was embarrassed because I fell in the hallway today….but at least my new shoes looked good and that cute person helped me up in the hallway.” Be sure to turn a video on your face with a computer, phone, or tablet again and record you saying it.
3- Challenge Number 3: Watch your recorded self from part 1 and part 2 a few times. Do you notice anything different about the two? Do you happen to smile at yourself after watching part 2 with your “but at least…” sentence finisher? Do you feel a little silly doing this? Did your facial expressions look different between part 1 and part 2?
4- Think about and discuss what the differences were that you saw.
5- Discuss if trying to find the best possible outcome in every situation can be beneficial for your mental and physical health?
This self-reflection activity forces us to look in the mirror at how our negativity physically looks “on us.” More importantly, this activity shows how putting a positive spin on a negative remark can totally change the trajectory of our mood and outlook. Choose positivity!