It is time to perform a simple, but important activity called “Mirror Mirror.” Now is the time to be your own hero and think about your everyday super powers. What is it that makes you an everyday hero? Smart? Friendly? Kind? Empathetic? Great at Reading?
Let’s Try This Activity:
For this activity, use an electronic device or an old-school mirror so that you can see your own reflection.
Step 1: We want you to look into that mirror and tell yourself 4 superpowers you have that make your life and the world a little better. Don’t worry if some of your “super powers” are similar to what others have as well. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you realize how valuable you are to yourself and to this world.
Step 2: Now make sure you say your 4 superpowers again, but this time out loud when looking at your own reflection. Look deep into the eyes of your reflection and smile when you say it! We know this is strange, but we like that! Push yourself to actually hear the words and be present to really understand your gifts.
Step 3: Now that you have been feeling yourself and throwing a positive mental party, try looking into that reflection and telling yourself “You are beautiful”. Try it! We dare you! Feels good doesn’t it?
Positive self-talk is an important and foundational step in being your own hero. Continue to value yourself and see the influence it has on your life and others. That boost of positive energy and pride is exactly what being your own hero is all about.
Step 4: Now let’s put these super powers to work! Grab a piece of paper or open up an email or a notes app to write this down! You just mentioned your 4 super powers to yourself. Now you need to write down 4 specific sentences on how you will use each of your superpowers for good today. Be specific so that it is easier to hold yourself accountable.
Here is an example of ours:
Step 5: Now that you have a super power game plan, be sure to follow through with it and see how it makes you feel today. Being intentional about using your strengths is a great way to reinforce just how important you are to this world.
Step 6: Try to put these 4 simple superpowers into action each day and make it a habit. If you really think about it, we aren’t asking you to do some huge monumental tasks each day to be a hero. All it takes is a little pre-planning to make yourself and others feel even better.
Way to go in exercising your powers and considering just how important you are to yourself and the world!