Can you believe it’s that time of year again? Teachers across the UK are just about to dive in to another academic year. And along with the excitement, can come some trepidation and worry.
Everyone benefits from time spent on their own wellbeing, and this is where Treehouse comes in.
Treehouse is our online education platform that brings schools over 120 pre-prepared mental health and wellbeing modules, to support schools 365 days of the year.
Treehouse houses over twenty modules specifically for staff. They can be used independently, as part of INSET days or team meetings.
Here we’ve broken down our top 6 staff modules and described what they are all about.
If you have Treehouse, then we hope this provides a useful start point for getting into it again this year. If you don’t then you can try out one of the modules, ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’ for free here:
Title | Description |
A Spoonful of Sugar | Whatever your role is in school, your job is to make a difference, that’s it. But just what difference are you making? |
A Little Bit of Mindfulness | Enter the world of mindfulness and learn a few techniques to help you stay present. |
Silly Stress (Part 1) | Life in a school can be tough and we all get stressed from time to time, but sometimes our stressful moments aren’t quite as serious as we think. |
Silly Stress (Part 2) | We all love Mondays, right? Just as good as Fridays, yeah? It’s incredible what we can feel with a subtle change of mindset! |
Bored Silly | Education should never be boring but the truth is some people are bored. It’s your challenge to make sure you’re being challenged! |
Your Comfort Zone | Take a step outside your comfort zone and uncover the fine balance between stretching ourselves and stressing out. |
We also recommend you check out the ‘Gavin Oattes – Relaxation’ module in the Pick-n-Mix section!
Please let us know how you get on, and if you think there are any other modules that we should add to this list, let us know?