Black History Month : 8 lessons available free to support schools


For the month of October (2022), to support Black History Month, we’ve made all 8 of the 30-40-minute race focussed lessons on Treehouse available to every school.

In recent months, we at Tree of Knowledge have been working behind the scenes to update our online mental health & wellbeing resource, Treehouse, to ensure we’re offering the most relevant support to our diverse school communities.

In response to conversations we’ve had with schools since we launched Treehouse in 2020, we’ve created 40 new lessons covering themes including race, gender and LGBT rights and equality.

Developed by the team at Tree of Knowledge, with support from Maxine Hughes from Royal High, and delivered by Jani Bala, we’re proud and excited to be able to launch these super relevant and high-quality resources.

In this 12-minute video, Tree of Knowledge speakers chats to Jani, about the importance of these modules, examples of specific challenges they will help overcome, and what impact he believes they will have on young people.

We want schools to have access to these lessons to ensure that young people have the opportunity to engage in discussions, and teachers have a resource that they can use to support these effectively.

The Treehouse lessons are most commonly used in classroom settings – they last 30-40 minutes, require no preparation, and incorporate short videos, reading tasks and discussions.

If you wish to access these lessons, simply see the menu below and click the link to view the module or start the lesson.

Year Title Summary Lesson Link
P6 What is Racism? This lesson explores the meaning of racism as well as discussing how we can be more inclusive in our school. View lesson
P7 Asylum Seekers and Refugees Explore why people come to the UK and what it means to be a refugee or asylum seeker. View lesson
S1 Black History Month This lesson focusses on the importance of black people and people of colour throughout history. We will also share reasons why we celebrate Black History Month in October each year. View lesson
S2 What is Unconscious Bias? Explore the concept of unconscious bias and how to tackle it. View lesson
S3 The Importance of Being Anti-Racist Explore how ‘not being racist’ and being ‘anti-racist’ are two different things. View lesson
S4 Racism in Society and White Privilege Explore how racism and white privilege affects society in Scotland and the UK. View lesson
S5 Systemic Racism and BLM Explore the meaning of systemic racism, what this means and how it has entered common discourse after recent events in both the US and the UK. Exploring how the BLM movement seeks to expose systemic racism and its roots in British society. View lesson
S6 Microaggressions and Othering Discovering what micro-aggressions are and how to challenge them, and how to recognise othering at an individual and societal level. View lesson

These modules are just some of the 260+ modules now available on the Treehouse platform.

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