This 20-30 minute staff module uses anecdotes from Gavin’s first day as a teacher to discuss mindset, motivation and inspiration. Incorporating videos and short activities, it will get staff talking, thinking and laughing!
Perfect for use individually, as part of a staff meeting or inset day, this video walks you through every step of the module. Just be prepared to pause the video when it tells you to, in order to undertake the tasks.
This video is one of hundreds of modules on Treehouse. Created by the team of inspiration and motivation experts at Tree of Knowledge, Treehouse is a virtual platform to support health & wellbeing in school communities.
If you enjoy this module, and find it beneficial then we’d love to tell you more about Treehouse…
Treehouse enables schools to support mental health & wellbeing year-round, by providing staff wellbeing modules, as well as hundreds of pre-prepared mental health & wellbeing lessons in line with the curriculum.
What do I get when I sign-up to Treehouse?
- Instant access to the Treehouse online platform for your entire school & staff, from any device, for one year
- On-going support to make it simple for you; from sign-up to set-up and even training for your staff
- 120+ pre-prepared 30-40 minute lessons, ready to go!
- 20+ thought-provoking staff modules to inspire your team; for use on inset days, team meetings or individually
- Measure wellbeing & evaluate wellbeing interventions, using in-built validated wellbeing surveys & reports
- Engaging, enlightening, entertaining – all lessons are developed in the signature Tree of Knowledge style
- You can view a 2-minute demonstration of how the platform works here.
Annual subscriptions to Treehouse start at just £499+VAT for Primary or £699+VAT for Secondary. Simply contact Dougie at Tree of Knowledge, emailing him, or booking a chat and he’ll walk you through it and get you started.